NSD students participated in a Science Week event sponsored by Telus World of Science - Edmonton
Posted on February 2

Isabelle Delorme, Susa Creek School, learning how to make spruce gum tea
A number of NSD students experienced an exclusive event presented by the Telus World of Science – Edmonton team in January. The theme for the virtual learning experience is “All About Winter”.
During this exclusive event, NSD students participated in 30-40-minute sessions/demonstrations by the Science in Motion staff. The team provided explanations of daily learning challenges for the students. The challenges included building a lean-to, constructing cardboard snowshoes, learning how to make a snow volcano and spruce gum tea, just to name a few. Parks Canada also participated by having a guest speaker for the students, explaining winter survival. Winter survival topics included building a shelter and a fire, finding water and food, and ice safety.
“NSD has been exploring ways to improve the way we engage and teach science to students,” said Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras, Superintendent of Schools. “With help from friends, we have developed a new and meaningful relationship with the Telus World of Science - Edmonton. Telus World of Science - Edmonton has developed teacher professional learning opportunities designed for NSD teachers. These opportunities will enable teachers to nurture a love of science for students.”
“On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank the Telus World of Science - Edmonton for organizing this exciting learning experience for our students,” said Robin Guild, Board Chair. “The knowledge from the science centre staff is not only a benefit to our teachers, it helps our students understand and enjoy science. Meaningful relationships are critical to supporting student success. The Board is pleased to see NSD and the Telus World of Science - Edmonton working together.”
Over 400 NSD students participated in the Science Week event via Zoom Webinar (video conferencing).
NSD students participated in a Science Week event sponsored by Telus World of Science - Edmonton