3rd Annual Northland Photography Contest
Posted on May 11
The deadline is fast approaching!
The Northland Photography contest is back and we are looking forward to showcasing even more student work in 2017!
This year’s criteria includes a literacy component. Students entering the contest will submit a picture in JPEG format and a description or short story to explain the photograph to the judges. For each Division, there’s an example of how you can link this contest for curriculum.
- Division 1 (Kindergarten to Grade 3): up to 50 words
- Using Language Arts, print and media, to communicate and share ideas with others
- Division 2 (Grades 4 to 6): up to 100 words
- Math, use a photograph to demonstrate and represent understanding of a math outcome
- Division 3 (Grades 7-9): 150 words
- Science, using digital technology to record and communicate inquiry learning
- Division 4 (Grades 10-12): 150 words
- Career and Technology Studies (CTS) – Media, Design and Communication Arts – compose photograph to meet an outcome for a CTS course
More ideas for contest submissions include:
Literacy in Action (across subject areas)
Indigenous; people, cultural activities, places, occasions, stories,
Nature, animals, landscapes, plants…
Portraits, still life, action, sports…
Things, objects, machines, structures, buildings…
Recognition and Prizes
There will be a minimum of $100 of prize money for each Division. (More $ if number of entries are larger in a given division.) This will allow for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention prizes. Photographs and stories will be displayed at Northland Games on May 26th!
Entry Form:
Please submit all entries to CTS/Industry Partnership Administrator, Randy Chernipeski at randy.chernipeski@nsd61.ca.
Entries must include the following information:
Student name
- Grade
- Teacher/Advisor
- Picture in JPEG format
- Short Story
Contest entries are due on or before Monday, May 15, 2017