Attendance Improvement Initiative - Every Day Counts
Posted on December 29

Northland School Division is taking an important step towards improving student attendance across the jurisdiction. In April 2014, the Northland Board established an Attendance Improvement Committee to review attendance practices and develop a framework to support improvement. This work has resulted in launching the Attendance Improvement Initiative and developing the Attendance Improvement Initiative Draft Report. The attached report includes recommendations supported by research and statistics and input from school communities.
Attendance Improvement Initiative - Every Day Counts Draft Report
The final meeting for the Attendance Committee is scheduled for early January 2015 to gather and integrate second-round feedback from our communities. The Attendance Improvement Initiative Draft Report will be presented to the Northland Board January 30, 2015.
In an effort to promote student attendance, students helped voice three radio announcements! They will air on the following dates:
- December 29-January 2, 2014
- April 6-10, 2014
The radio announcements will air on YL Country, KIX FM, CFWE Radio and The Eagle!
Listen below!
Attendance Improvement Initiative - Every Day Counts Radio Ad 1 2014
Attendance Improvement Initiative - Every Day Counts Radio Ad 2 2014
Attendance Improvement Initiative - Every Day Counts Radio Ad 3 2014
The Attendance Improvement Initiative Radio Campaign is sponsored by our friends from Statoil.
We appreciate their support!