Dawn Power appointed Area 2 Supervisor of Student Services
Posted on October 29

Northland School Division (NSD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dawn Power as Area 2 Supervisor of Student Services. Dawn has been an educator and a fixture in the Wabasca-Desmarais community for the past 10 years. Before accepting her new role, Power was educating elementary students at St. Theresa School.
“In this position, I feel I would be able to offer assistance in the areas of education that I love and am passionate about,” said Power. “ Inclusion and adapting to student needs is a crucial part of having a successful classroom. Instilling confidence in students is what helps them be successful. I am very excited about this new journey.”
“We are excited to have Dawn joining the Student Services Department team,” said Stephanie Sutherland, Director of Student Services.
Before joining the NSD Family, Dawn taught grades 1 and 3 at Oski Pasikoniwew Kamik (Bigstone Community School). Power completed a teacher certification program from the University of Maine in 2007. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (Major in Psychology, Minor in Mathematics) from Cape Breton University and a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Mathematics) from Mount Allison University.
As Area 2 Supervisor of Student Services, Dawn will be providing support to Calling Lake, Career Pathways (Wabasca-Desmarais), Chipewyan Lake, Pelican Mountain (Sandy Lake), Mistassiniy (Wabasca-Desmarais) and St. Theresa School (Wabasca-Desmarais).