Debbie Mineault appointed as Supervisor of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Language and Culture and Land Based Learning
Posted on July 15

Northland School Division (NSD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Debbie Mineault as Supervisor of First Nations, Metis and Inuit Language and Culture and Land Based Learning. Debbie, who recently served as Principal at St. Theresa School in Wabasca-Desmarais, has accumulated 25 years of education experience. Before joining NSD in 2017, Mineault worked with Alberta Education’s First Nations, Metis Inuit Division in the Collaboration and System Supports Branch. In this role, she provided strategic direction, leadership and support to close the achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and all other students.
“Kinanaskomitin Creator -Thank you Creator for your gifts of culture, language and relationship with the land,” said Mineault. “I am extremely humble, grateful and optimistic about becoming a Northland team player for strengthening our student's heritage of culture, language and land-based learning. I am very excited about working with students, Elders, educators, Superintendent and Board across all communities".
“Our priority was to find an experienced leader who can help NSD continue the path towards being a leader for delivering quality education resources to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit Language and Culture and Land Based Learning,” said Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras, Superintendent of Schools, Northland School Division. Debbie’s knowledge and expertise aligns with leading this important work in NSD moving forward. I also want to thank Debbie for her three years as Principal at St. Theresa School, where she led the staff to be a leader, on inclusion of Indigenous and Metis culture and language within all curricular subjects. I am excited to have Debbie in a role where she can have a larger impact division-wide.”
Debbie’s educational career began at Prairie Valley School Division (formally Broadview School Division) where she worked as a Cree language teacher, as well as a fifth-grade science, social, health and physical education teacher. From 1996-2000, Mineault worked with the High Prairie School Division as the Aboriginal Language and Culture and Special Education Coordinator. She worked with Elders and advisors, designed and taught Cree instruction for grades 1 to 9 in Saskatchewan and in Alberta, trained language instructors, provided learning support for students and teachers to ensure collaboration and communication between school, parents and community.
In 2000, Debbie started working with Alberta Education in various roles. As Zone 1 Field Service manager, she worked with school division leadership teams to eliminate the gap for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. She helped design and implement processes for improving quality of education for First Nations, Métis students. Debbie led inclusion of First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences into curriculum, resources and supported professional learning for educators in Successful Practices in First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education: Collaborative Frameworks—Building Relationships Companion Resource. Debbie is the author of Aboriginal Studies 10, 20 and 30 and Social Studies Kindergarten to Grade 12 Programs of Study.
Mineault has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Saskatchewan and in 2009 she earned a Master of Elementary Education from the University of Alberta.
Congratulations Debbie!
Congratulations Debbie!
Debbie, I read about your award and I felt so happy for you. I am proud to say I have known you as a friend and colleague. You taught me so much. Indeed, you taught everyone so much. Congratulations.
Congratulations Debbie you will do well! we must connect soon Here is my cell 780 805 0127