Holiday Message - Superintendent of Schools
Posted on December 21

Tansi, Edlanat’e, Hello,
The first half of the 2018-2019 school year is drawing to a close and it is my absolute pleasure to thank everyone for your work to ensure the success of Northland School Division students.
On November 30, 2018, the Board of Trustees approved the 2018-2021 Three Year Education Plan and the 2017-2018 Annual Education Results Report. The report includes division-wide priorities, which are aligned with the NSD Outcome Statements and Priorities for the Board of Trustees. On page 20, there is a list of goals under Outcome 2 - NSD is a leader for Indigenous education excellence and Outcome 3 - NSD is inclusive, each child’s ways of knowing and ways of being is honoured, respected and essential.
As a division, our focus is to enhance Indigenous language instruction, boost the number of students participating in land-based learning and increase staff awareness and knowledge of First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives, experiences, traditions, and practices to advance reconciliation. It’s important for school staff to do their utmost to support Indigenous language and culture development. Please reach out to our First Nations, Métis and Inuit team of Lorraine Cardinal-Roy, Director of First Nation, Métis and Inuit Learner Success, Terry Lynn Cook, Pedagogical Supervisor - Indigenous Curriculum and Julia McDougall, Pedagogical Supervisor - Language and Culture for support. They are able to share resources, assist with implementation and help schools engage with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, parents and community members. Meaningful involvement from the community will go along way in helping NSD be a leader for Indigenous education excellence.
Our number one outcome is to ensure NSD students are strong in identity, healthy and successful. In keeping with the first outcome, I encourage staff to continue their efforts around student wellness. I am noticing a lot of positive messaging in the schools, efforts to create learning environments reflecting and honouring First Nation and Métis language, culture and values and activities geared towards improving the physical and mental wellbeing of students.
Thank you, everyone, for helping students realize their potential no matter how big or small. I am looking forward to witnessing more success in 2019. Have a safe holiday break everyone.
Miyo Nipayamiha, Tedhyati Haretiya Watei, Merry Christmas!
Gord Atkinson
Superintendent of Schools