Mark Owens receives special recognition from the North West Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association Zone
Posted on November 29

An important team member of the Northland School Division (NSD) recently received special recognition from the North West Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association (NWASAA) Zone. The NWASAA is one of eight zones that make up the Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association (ASAA). Mark Owens, Director of Student Engagement, Attendance, and Completion, was selected as a recipient of the 2021 Zone Award of Merit for his contributions to high school athletics in Alberta and Zone.
"On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I congratulate Mark for his hard work and contributions to school athletics,” said Robin Guild, Board Chair. “We feel very fortunate to have educators like Mark supporting the Northland School Division learning experience and helping students achieve success.”
“In addition to being an excellent teacher and administrator, Mark has been instrumental in supporting the operation of school athletics in the province,” said Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras, Superintendent of Schools. Over 9000 people volunteer to coach, manage, administrate, and official high school athletics. To be selected from that many people is a remarkable accomplishment. Having his expertise and knowledge will have a tremendous impact on improving school athletics across the Northland School Division.”
Mark’s contributions to athletics in Alberta include:
- Member of the NWASAA for 19 years.
- President of NWASAA Zone for the past 3 years in ASAA.
- Athletic Director in Rycroft, Sexsmith and Administrator in Peace River High School.
- Coached volleyball, basketball, badminton, track and field and football in schools.
- Hosted many zone tournaments in volleyball and basketball in Rycroft, Sexsmith and Peace River.
- Football Commissioner for 10 years in the zone.
- Coached football for 19 years.
- Played football for 17 years with high school, junior, university and Alberta Football League.
“I have been lucky to have so many people to help support athletics together,” said Mark Owens. “Staff, students, and community volunteers have been awesome in all of the communities and sports that I have been involved with. My wife helps with all of the organization, and my kids play, help with events, and even coach some of the younger levels in football. I know how important athletics is to many students and families, as it was for me. It has been a very positive part of my family's life. I enjoy what I do, and I am excited to share this love of sports with the students, staff and communities of Northland”.
Mark will be presented the 2021 Zone Award of Merit at the ASAA Virtual Planning Meeting on Thursday, December 2, 2021. Before the awards presentation, Owens was recognized for his achievement by the Board during the Regular Board Meeting on Friday, November 26, 2021.
I miss you as a principal! Congratulations Owens you earned it ! :)
Best regards; your student Kayla Labrecque.