School Re-entry Survey
Posted on August 12

Today (August 12, 2020), NSD released its re-entry plan. To support this plan, we have developed a survey for parents and guardians We ask parents and guardians to take a few minutes to complete the survey before Wednesday, August 19, 2020. It will help us understand if you are:
- comfortable with sending their child back to school with added health measures;
- comfortable with sending their child back on the school bus with added health measures;
- choosing the at-home learning option.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Communications Coordinator Curtis Walty at or phone 780-219-1870.
I would like my son to do home school learning. He has asthma and he's allergic to hand sanitizer's.
@ home learning
Cut back class size and alternate and stagger days in
increase janitor personnel and wipe down common areas
take childs temp before entering school
home school/in class mix
I would like it if you could do 3 days of school nd 2 days at home with distance learning online. Due to the fact my daughter is asthmatic