Truth and Reconciliation Week Highlights
Posted on October 7

Photo taken during Truth and Reconciliation event at Bill Woodward School
In recognition and commitment to calls of action to address reconciliation in Alberta, Northland schools participated in Truth and Reconciliation Week activities.
This included students and staff wearing Orange. Orange Shirt Day began in British Columbia in 2013 when a residential school survivor, Phyllis Webstad, shared her story of having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day at a residential school.
Since then, Orange Shirt Day has become an opportunity for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit governments, schools, and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation.
Check out the photos below.
Anzac School/Bill Woodward School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Anzac School and Bill Woodward School hosted a Truth and Reconciliation Event. It was a meaningful day filled with reflection, learning, and community spirit. Special thanks to the Athabasca Tribal Council, Willow Lake Métis Nation, the Elders and community members who made this event possible. Your presence and support helped create a beautiful and impactful day for all involved.
Chipewyan Lake School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Chipewyan Lake School in collaboration with Bigstone Community Wellness, BCN Child and Family Services, MD Opportunity No. 17, and FCSS hosted Orange Shirt Day on Tuesday, September 24. The day featured a T-Shirt giveaway, a delicious BBQ lunch, an elder presentation, a community walk, and distribution of harvest baskets. A big thank you to all who helped plan, organize, set up, clean up, and all who attended this community event.
Conklin Community School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Conklin Community School observed Orange Shirt Day on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Students and staff listened to a video of the origins of Orange Shirt Day and the theme of the day was "I Matter Because...". Students wrote why they matter on small orange shirt posters and displayed them in the school. Students and staff also enjoyed a healthy fruit pie snack.
Elizabeth School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
In honour of Truth and Reconciliation, Elizabeth School held its Orange Shirt event. The school was fortunate enough to have community members share their talents with students and staff.
Students also made crafts, read a story about Orange Shirt Day, ate some bannock and participated in a walk.
Grouard Northland School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Grouard Northland School came together to honour the children who never came home and the survivors of residential schools and their families and communities. Russell Cardinal opened with an emotional heartfelt prayer. We walked and then came together for the sharing of soup and bannock. Thank you to Candace Cardinal for all her help in organizing.
J.F. Dion School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
J.F. Dion School participated in an Orange Shirt Day Community Walk. Following the walk, students and staff held a moment of silence in the school to reflect.
Northland Online School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Three Northland Online School students led the Orange Shirt Day assembly at Grouard Northland School! Sid, Nikkita, and Elyssa read a poem and made homemade bannock for students and staff.
Paddle Prairie School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Paddle Prairie School participated in activities related to National Truth and Reconciliation week! The school is grateful to have formed a close partnership with the Paddle Prairie Metis Settlement. This partnership is resulting in many learning opportunities for students. Thank you to the knowledge keepers for helping students explore their culture.
St. Theresa School - Truth and Reconciliation Week
In honor of Truth and Reconciliation week and Orange Shirt Day, St. Theresa School had an assembly in the gym on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Staff and students wore their orange shirts, listened to Phyllis Webstad's new book "Every Child Matters" and Nohkom Virginia talked about her time at Residential School. Staff also did activities in their classrooms with their students around National Truth and Reconciliation Week and Orange Shirt Day.
In addition, classes also attended the Cultural Week in Wabasca-Desmarais.