COVID-19 Mental Health Resources
Posted on November 17

We understand this is a time of high anxiety for many. There is an overwhelming amount of information coming at us all. Northland School Division is here to support students, staff, parents/guardians and community members. We have compiled mental health information from several sources.
It is normal for children to feel worried and nervous and have questions. You can support your children by reassuring them about their personal safety and health:
- Limit their access to news and online stories about the issue.
- Maintain a normal routine unless otherwise advised by an authority.
- Encourage them to talk to you about their concerns.
- Reassure them they are safe. This is a child-friendly video on COVID-19.
- Talking to Kids About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Advise them of steps they can take to stay healthy:
- Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing the ABC’s to measure time), especially after coughing or sneezing.
- Cough and sneeze into arm or tissue.
- Stay home if they are not feeling well.
- Keep hands away from face and mouth.
- Stay healthy by eating healthy foods, keeping physically active, and getting enough sleep.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) Resources for Families
- Alberta Health Services - Healthier Together website
- AHS: Coping and Connection with Families During COVID-19
- AHS: North Zone Addiction and Mental Health Services
- AHS - Take charge of what you can: A COVID-19 toolkit
- AHS - Anxiety
- AHS - Depression
- AHS - Executive Functioning
- AHS - Junior High Jitters
- AHS - Mindfulness
- AHS - Self Regulation
- AHS - Sleep
- AHS - Technology
- AHS - Test Anxiety
- AHS - Caregiver Handout Regarding COVID 19 CYF Caregiver Education Trauma
- AHS - Caregiver Resource List COVID 19 Version
- AHS - COVID -19 and Your Mental Health
- AHS - Mental Health: Coping and Connection for Children and Families During COVID-19
- AHS - Practical and Emotional Preparedness for a Pandemic
- The Alberta Health Services website Help in Tough Times also has helpful information, including the Text4Hope resource, which you can subscribe to for free by texting COVID19HOPE to 393939. It offers 3 months of supportive text messages written by mental health therapists.
Additional Resources for Families
- Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about how they are feeling, and let them know they are there for them.
- If a child needs someone to talk to, they can text CONNECT to the Kids’ Help Phone at 686868 or call 1-800-668-6868. This 24/7, free service offers professional counselling, information and referrals. The Alberta COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub also has great information for teens on mental health, self-care and supporting others.
- If a parent or other adult needs someone to talk to, they are encouraged to call the confidential, toll-free, 24/7 mental health helpline at 1-877-303-2642. This helpline is attended by a team that includes nurses, psychologists and social workers.
- Health Canada has funded a program called Wellness Together Canada that will provide anyone in Canada with free, immediate mental health and substance use support. To access the service, visit the website
- Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada 24/7. Visit them online or call 1-855-242-3310
- TeenMentalHealth.Org - Stress Explained Elementary Edition
- TeenMentalHealth.Org - Stress Explained Junior and Senior High School Edition
- TeenMentalHealth.Org - Resources and Tips During COVID-19
- World Health Organization - Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak
- Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advice
- Your Mental Health Canada - How to look after your mental health during a time of uncertainty
- PSP Gagetown Mental Fitness Apps
- Moving Minds - At-Home Activities & Resources
- National Association of School Psychologists- Talking to Children
- Canadian Red Cross- Psychosocial First Aid Pocket Guide
- Understanding Screen Addiction and Responsible Digital Use
Resources for Employees and Dependants
- We are concerned about the welfare of all of our staff and want to remind you that support and counselling services are available through our Employee and Family Assistance Program provider Homewood Health. They can be contacted at 1-800-663-1142 or visit the Northland School Division website for more information
Additional Resources for Employees
- Resources for K-12 Staff Teaching and Working through the COVID-19 Pandemic
- (MORE) Mental Health Online Resources for Educators
- TeenMentalHealth.Org - Alberta Mental Health Literacy Project
- Homeweb
- Quelling COVID-19 Anxiety (EN/FR)
- Online CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for the Treatment of Depression and/or Anxiety
- Updates from ASEBP
- ASEBP - Creating Social Connections
- The Wellness Sandbox