COVID-19 Update
Posted on March 9

March 9, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As we are relaxing the COVID-19 protocols previously in place, I am touching base with you to provide clarification on visit protocols at Northland schools.
If you are planning to visit the school, we ask that you contact your local school to book an appointment. When you arrive at the school, you will need to press the front entrance doorbell. A staff member will be alerted and will open the door.
All visitors to a school are expected to sign in at the front office. This protocol is outlined in our Administrative Procedure 156 - Visit Protocol. The purpose of these measures is to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. This is also necessary in case a school goes into a hold and secure, lockdown, shelter in place or if there is a fire in the school we need to account for all individuals in the building. When leaving, please sign out of the building.
These procedures were in place prior to the enhanced COVID-19 protocols in NSD schools and schools throughout the province.
At this time we also ask that after booking an appointment, please complete the daily COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist. If you feel unwell, you will not be allowed in the building until your COVID-19 symptoms have resolved.
If you have any questions please contact your local school. Thank you for your continued support.
Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 28, 2022
The Government of Alberta announced more changes to public health restrictions, effective March 1, 2022. The following is a summary of changes and health measures that will continue to be in place.
Northland students have not been required to wear masks since February 14, 2022. Starting tomorrow (March 1, 2022), the province no longer requires adults in schools to wear masks, including teachers, school staff, visitors, parents and school bus drivers. We continue to encourage masks to help protect students and staff. However, students, staff and visitors in Northland schools and facilities will make their own decisions about whether wearing a mask is right for them and those decisions should be respected.
The current isolation requirements following a positive test result have not changed. So, for instance, if a fully vaccinated student returns to school on day six (6) of their isolation with no symptoms, they must be fully masked in school for the entirety of the day and continue to do so for their full isolation period.
Provincial guidelines for schools
The province has lifted the remaining COVID-19 guidelines for schools, such as cohorts and physical distancing. After nearly two years with these health measures in place, it will take Northland schools some time to adjust their routines. Your patience while Northland schools work through these new details is appreciated.
Continued safety measures
To ensure the health and safety of Northland students, staff and communities, the following health measures will continue to be in place:
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting in schools.
- Encouraging healthy habits among students and staff, such as washing and sanitizing hands and covering coughs and sneezes.
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
- To lower the risk of transmission of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Students and staff are encouraged to use the Alberta Health Daily Checklist to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. The checklist can be found at
- Visitors are not permitted in the school or central office locations without an appointment. To make an appointment contact the school or central office location directly.
Moving forward
Lifting these provincial health measures marks a big shift in how we continue to navigate COVID-19. As we move forward, we will provide more communication on next steps to bring back events that make Northland schools engaging, fun and a place where students love to come.
We thank you for your continued support during this challenging time. If anything else changes with respect to the health measures we will provide more communication. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 22, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The Government of Alberta announced changes to COVID-19 mandates that directly impact schools. You can click on the website link to view the announcement The following is a summary of changes and health measures that will continue to be in place when classes resume on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.
- Effective February 14, 2022, the requirements of the Government of Alberta states students are no longer required to wear masks in schools or on the buses. The Board’s preference is to enable students who prefer to continue to wear masks when classes resume on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. The Board supports individual choice of students and parents. Click on the website link to view the Board’s full statement about masking in Northland schools
- Masking will still be required for adults including teachers, administrators and other school staff including school bus drivers.
- The exception to the above is for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19. The isolation requirements have not changed with the recent update. The current requirements are that if you test positive for COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated, you are able to return to school after the fifth day of isolation, provided you have no symptoms, but you are legally required to wear a mask for the remainder of the mandatory 10-day isolation period. This includes students on the school bus and in the school.
Alberta Health Daily Checklist
- The Alberta Health Daily Checklist has been updated once again. Please remember to complete the checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at
Enhance cleaning
- Enhanced cleaning and hygiene protocols in all NSD schools and facilities. Hand sanitizer has been provided to all Northland schools, buildings and on buses.
Rapid test kits and medical masks
- To lower the risk of transmission of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
Air filtration upgrades
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
- Cohort and physical distancing strategies whenever possible. A classroom cohort is defined as a group of students and staff who remain together.
Physical Distancing
- Whenever possible, students and staff are encouraged to physically distance—maintain at least a two-metre space between two or more people. Schools have also re-arranged classrooms and daily schedules to encourage space between students. All extra furniture has been removed from classrooms to allow more space for physical distancing. This will be re-evaluated as the year progresses.
Field Trips
- Field trips are permitted with health protocols in place. This includes physical distancing, cohorting for students in kindergarten through grade 6, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and enhanced cleaning and disinfection.
Extracurricular Sports and Sports Teams:
- All extracurricular sports and school sports teams for elementary, junior high and senior high have been suspended until further notice. This will be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis.
Assemblies, Performance Activities and Celebratory Events
- Large assemblies will continue to be virtual rather than in-person. Student performance activities such as singing, dancing, playing instruments, and theatre will be virtual.
- Visitors are not permitted in the school or workplace without an appointment. To make an appointment contact the school directly.
For more information on health measures, you can also view our Back to School Plan
We thank you for your continued support during this challenging time. If anything else changes with respect to the health measures we will provide more communication. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 4, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that J.F. Dion School is returning to in-school learning on Monday, February 7th, 2022. With students transitioning from at-home learning to in-school learning, we have the following measures in place to protect students and staff:
- The school custodial services team maintains a schedule of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols. This includes using the Clorox 360 machine to ensure all surfaces are properly disinfected and sanitized.
- To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
We remind parents/guardians of students to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please remember to complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that Susa Creek School is returning to in-school learning on Monday, February 7th, 2022. With students transitioning from at-home learning to in-school learning, we have the following measures in place to protect students and staff:
- The school custodial services team maintains a schedule of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols. This includes using the Clorox 360 machine to ensure all surfaces are properly disinfected and sanitized.
- To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
We remind parents/guardians of students to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please remember to complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 3, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift extension for Chipewyan Lake School. Chipewyan Lake School students will continue to participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 11, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. The scheduled winter break is from February 14 - 22, 2022 as these are non-operational days and there are no classes scheduled. The shift is being made because of staffing challenges and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Teachers will be in contact with families to ensure students have what they need to be successful in an extended at-home learning environment.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to extend at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Associate Superintendent Cal Johnson at 780-625-1359. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 3, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift extension for Calling Lake School. Calling Lake School students will continue to participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 11, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. The scheduled winter break is from February 14 - 22, 2022 as these are non-operational days and there are no classes scheduled. The shift is being made because of the high rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Teachers will be in contact with families to ensure students have what they need to be successful in an extended at-home learning environment.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to extend at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Jason Wiks at 780-331-3774. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 3, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that Elizabeth School is returning to in-school learning tomorrow (Friday, February 4th, 2022). With students transitioning from at-home learning to in-school learning, we have the following measures in place to protect students and staff:
- The school custodial services team maintains a schedule of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols. This includes using the Clorox 360 machine to ensure all surfaces are properly disinfected and sanitized.
- To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
We remind parents/guardians of students to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please remember to complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
February 1, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Paddle Prairie School. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday, February 2, 2022), Paddle Prairie School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 11, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. There is no school for all Northland students February 14-18, 2022, as teachers will be participating in professional learning and Teachers’ Convention. The shift to at-home learning is being made because of the number of student absences and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Paddle Prairie School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Lucas Whittle at 780-981-2124. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 31, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that St. Theresa School is returning to in-school learning tomorrow (Tuesday, February 1, 2022). With students transitioning from at-home learning to in-school learning, we have the following measures in place to protect students and staff:
- The school custodial services team maintains a schedule of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols. This includes using the Clorox 360 machine to ensure all surfaces are properly disinfected and sanitized.
- To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
We remind parents/guardians of students to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please remember to complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 30, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Chipewyan Lake School. Starting tomorrow (Monday, January 31, 2022), Chipewyan Lake School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 4, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, February 7, 2022. The shift is being made because of staff operational challenges.
Chipewyan Lake School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Associate Superintendent Cal Johnson at 780-625-1359. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 27, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Susa Creek Lake School. Starting tomorrow (Friday, January 28, 2022), Susa Creek School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 4, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, February 7, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Susa Creek School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Shayna Sinclair at 780-827-3366. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 26, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Fort McKay School. Starting tomorrow (Thursday, January 27, 2022), Fort McKay School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, January 28, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, January 31, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and due to the operational challenges of staff being ill.
Fort McKay School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Michelle Wile at 780-828-4222.
For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 26, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Calling Lake School. Starting tomorrow (Thursday, January 27, 2022), Calling Lake School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 4, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, February 7, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Calling Lake School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Jason Wiks at 780-331-3774. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 25, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that Athabasca Delta Community School is returning to in-school learning tomorrow (Wednesday, January 26, 2022). With students transitioning from at-home learning to in-school learning, we have the following measures in place to protect students and staff:
- The school custodial services team maintains a schedule of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols. This includes using the Clorox 360 machine to ensure all surfaces are properly disinfected and sanitized.
- To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions received voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test
- Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, Northland School Division upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The school division installed MERV 13-rated filters, which are capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
We remind parents/guardians of students to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please remember to complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day before attending school, which can be found at If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division Mental Health Resource webpage
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 25, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for J.F. Dion School. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday, January 26, 2022), J.F Dion School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, February 4, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, February 7, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
J.F. Dion School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Angela Sanregret at 780-943-2348. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 24, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Elizabeth School. Starting tomorrow (Tuesday, January 25, 2022), Elizabeth School students will participate in at-home learning until Thursday, February 3, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Friday, February 4, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and the increasing rate of COVID-19 in the community.
Elizabeth School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Karen Davies at 780-594-2017. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-PoitrasSuperintendent of SchoolsNorthland School Division
January 19, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for Conklin Community School. Starting tomorrow (Thursday, January 20, 2022), Conklin Community School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, January 28, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, January 31, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and information we have received about a potentially high number of COVID-19 cases in the community.
Conklin Community School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Chris Turpin at 780-559-2228. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-PoitrasSuperintendent of SchoolsNorthland School Division
January 19, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift for St. Theresa School. Starting tomorrow (Thursday, January 20, 2022), St. Theresa School students will participate in at-home learning until Friday, January 28, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Monday, January 31, 2022. The shift is being made because of the number of student absences and the high COVID-19 case count in the Wabasca-Desmarais community. The Municipal District of Opportunity has declared a state of emergency due to the high case count in the municipality.
St. Theresa School teachers will be contacting you to give you information regarding the at home learning.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to move to at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students.
If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Shelley Stevenson at 780-891-3833. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 18, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift extension for Athabasca Delta Community School (ADCS). ADCS students will continue to participate in at-home learning until Tuesday, January 25, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. The shift is being made due to low in-school attendance numbers.
Teachers will be in contact with families to ensure students have what they need to be successful in an extended at-home learning environment.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to extend at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Tegan Vacheresse at 780-697-3933. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 15, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am touching base to inform you that the Minister of Education has approved an operational shift extension for Athabasca Delta Community School (ADCS). ADCS students will continue to participate in at-home learning until Tuesday, January 18, 2022, with a return to in-school learning on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. The shift is being made due to low in-school attendance numbers.
Teachers will be in contact with families to ensure students have what they need to be successful in an extended at-home learning environment.
We are pleased to make you aware of a parent resource called Technology Resources for NSD Parents The website is designed to help you understand the technology tools your child uses. We also understand this is a time of high anxiety. If you are looking for mental health resources, please visit the Northland School Division website
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work through this challenge. The decision to extend at-home learning is not taken lightly as we know this puts additional demands on parents and students. However, we feel it is necessary to meet the learning needs of students. If you have school-related questions please contact Principal Tegan Vacheresse at 780-697-3933. For any health-related questions please call Health Link at 811.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-PoitrasSuperintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 14, 2022
Attention Parents and Guardians:
Northland School Division has been informed by Fort McKay First Nation that the community access restrictions have been removed.
Therefore, NSD staff will be excited to see the students learning at the school on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe!
January 7, 2022
Important Notice for Fort McKay School Parents and Guardians
Attention Parents and Guardians:
On January 5, 2022, the Government of Alberta confirmed that classes for all students will resume on Monday, January 10, 2022.
Due to the level 3 response in Fort McKay First Nation, which restricts access for school personnel to the community, Fort McKay School students will participate in at-home learning starting Monday, January 10, 2022.
Learning packages are prepared for students registered with Fort McKay School. The Fort McKay First Nation will drop them off to families.
We will update you on staffing for the school as it becomes available in the coming days.
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
January 7, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On January 5, 2022, the Government of Alberta confirmed that classes for all students will resume on Monday, January 10, 2022. We are excited to welcome students and staff back to in-school learning after the holidays.
Additional Health Measures
- Rapid Tests and Medical Masks: To lower the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all school divisions are receiving voluntary rapid test kits and medical masks for students and staff from the Government of Alberta. Once we receive the rapid test kits and masks at central office, they will be delivered to schools and families. Click on the website link on how to properly use an at-home rapid test These kits will be replenished by the government in a staggered approach for a time period as yet not disclosed.
- Upgraded Filters: Northland took a proactive approach against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. In September 2021, the Maintenance Department upgraded filters to improve air quality and better protect students and staff against potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. The department installed Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13-rated filters, which is capable of capturing particles between 0.3 micros and 1.0 with 98% efficiency.
Reminder of all other Health Measures listed in Back to School Plan
Since the beginning of the school year we have exceeded the safety requirements set by Alberta Health Services and the Government of Alberta in our 2021-2022 Back to School Plan. We will continue to lead by example in our efforts to have the health and safety of students and staff as our first priority. Below is a list of health measures we have in place:
- Masks: Mandatory use of masks for all staff and students grades 4-12 and highly recommended for students K- grade 3. We are strongly encouraging parents to work with the K-grade 3 students, to wear the masks in the school, but for the masks to be effective the children need to keep their hands off the masks as much as possible. Mandatory use of masks for all students, K - grade 12, riding the school bus.
- Enhanced Cleaning: Enhanced cleaning and hygiene protocols in all NSD schools and facilities. Hand sanitizer has been provided to all Northland schools, buildings and on buses.
- Daily Screening: All parents/guardians are required to use the Alberta Health Daily Checklist to screen their child(ren) for symptoms every day before school. Click on the website link to access the checklist
- Cohorting: Cohort and physical distancing strategies whenever possible. A classroom cohort is defined as a group of students and staff who remain together.
- Physical Distancing: Whenever possible, students and staff are encouraged to physically distance—maintain at least a two-metre space between two or more people. Schools have also re-arranged classrooms and daily schedules to encourage space between students. All extra furniture has been removed from classrooms to allow more space for physical distancing. This will be re-evaluated as the year progresses.
- Field Trips: Field trips are permitted with health protocols in place. This includes physical distancing, use of masks, cohorting for students in kindergarten through grade 6, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and enhanced cleaning and disinfection.
- Extracurricular Sports and Sports Teams: All extracurricular sports and school sports teams for elementary, junior high and senior high have been suspended until further notice. This will be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis.
- Assemblies, Performance Activities and Celebratory Events: Large assemblies will continue to be virtual rather than in-person. Student performance activities such as singing, dancing, playing instruments, and theatre will be virtual.
- Visitors: Visitors are not permitted in the school or workplace without an appointment. To make an appointment contact the school directly.
To view the Back to School Plan in more detail please visit If you have any questions please contact the school.
Thank you for your continued support. Be safe.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division
January 5, 2022
Education Minister Adriana LaGrange confirmed that classes for all K-12 students will resume on Monday, January 10, 2022.
Northland School Division will provide follow-up information to families before the end of the week.
More info from the Government of Alberta can be found here.
January 1, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On December 30, 2021, the Government of Alberta extended the holiday break for all K-12 students. At this time, classes are scheduled to resume Monday, January 10, 2022.
Student Learning
During the week of January 4, 2022, school staff will be using this time to better prepare learning for students when classes resume on January 10, 2022. Alberta Education will provide school divisions more information in the coming days for students returning to in-school learning on January 10, 2022. NSD will communicate the information out to parents as it becomes available.
Diploma Exams and Provincial Achievement Exams (PATs)
To further support high school students whose learning is disrupted by this extension, January diploma exams have been cancelled. A decision will